Why will Sophia change the world?

Much is being written about AI and Robots, their capabilities, how they are improving week by week and the potential benefits that they will have in our human lives, will they? I believe they will. However, there are some key aspects, that seem to be underseen with all the fanfare around the initial glow of the ground-breaking milestone attributed to a Robot (intelligent or not) … Continue reading Why will Sophia change the world?

Life Learnings from +7 Years in Brazil

It was June 2009, my son was 1,5 years old, and life was smiling at me in a way that one can feel a good performance, family and job-wise, when… suddenly, Brazil knocked on my door. I had gotten married to a lovely German Brazilian woman, so undoubtedly Brazil had already been part of my territory in a couple of occasions; personally and also thanks … Continue reading Life Learnings from +7 Years in Brazil